Join Klaus Ferlow, a renowned Master Herbalist, on an eye-opening journey into the incredible healing powers of the Neem tree. In his latest book, Klaus shares his mission, where he connects with scientists, manufacturers, and visionaries who are bringing Neem's miraculous benefits to human health, agriculture, and the environment. Retiring from his pioneering company, Ferlow Botanicals, Klaus's passion for Neem didn't end there. Instead, it propelled him to travel the globe, uncovering and sharing fascinating stories of pioneers who discovered the healing abilities of the Neem tree and brought healing and prosperity to individuals, communities, and nations. Neem: The Tree That Heals Nations is a testament to the lasting impact of this miraculous tree. Klaus reveals incredible stories of those who introduced this valuable treasure to the world, showcasing Neem's potential to heal and transform.
Learn MoreMaster Herbalist Klaus Ferlow was one of the first to introduce the healing wonders of the Indian Neem tree to the West. After struggling with a stubborn case of psoriasis that resisted both conventional and alternative treatments, Klaus discovered Neem, a plant revered by healers in India for thousands of years. Within weeks, Neem helped him overcome his lifelong condition. In this book, Klaus shares his personal healing journey and his lifelong fascination with the remarkable Neem tree. From North America to the Indian subcontinent, he explores the history, politics, and many healing applications of Neem, offering a valuable guide to herbs and an extensive "Who's Who" of the Neem community in the reference section. Now in its expanded third edition, Neem: Nature's Healing Gift To Humanity tells the endearing story of Neem through the eyes of one of its most passionate advocates. Klaus has since founded the Neem Research Organization to protect and promote this extraordinary gift to humanity. Winner of the prestigious Living Now Awards, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in natural healing and the power of plants.
Learn MoreUnlock the secrets of Neem, nature's powerful gift for health and beauty, with Master Herbalist Klaus Ferlow. Teaming up with numerous doctors and scientists, the author brings decades of experience to reveal the wonders of this versatile healing plant, which is gaining widespread popularity. This user-friendly guide is packed with practical tips. Discover how Neem's healing properties can address both common and stubborn health issues, restoring your health and well-being.
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